Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Introduction to Poetry

              I haven’t always been very fond of poetry, but the Introduction to Poetry lecture was very intriguing.  The clip from Dead Poets Society was really interesting and honestly made me rethink  my dislike for poetry.  The quote “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.  We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.  Poetry, beauty, romance and love, these are what we stay alive for,” is profound.  It is a very true statement because I think all of that is almost like the closest things we have to magic.  They are things in life that are special and hard to live without.  I also realized that songs are poetry put to music.  When the song Perfect by Pink was recited in class, I recognized the poetic aspects it contained.   When Professor Brady explained that poetry is an evocation of human emotion it made me think of my dancing.  Just like poetry, dance is the expression of oneself and our connection to our emotions and the world we live in.  It is powerful and exposing because with both dance and poetry you are put in a very vulnerable state.  Both portray how you feel and what you really think and put it out in the open for everyone to hear or see.
            I also really enjoyed the poem "P.O.W" by Alicia Keys.  Her words were very profound and you could really see the pain she was experiencing.


  1. Poetry, Dancing, Writing and Music!!! What a wonderful connection!

  2. Maire,
    I cannot find your final published writing piece (poetry).

  3. Blog assignment #5? It's called Finding Freedom
